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Business Info Tech

Sequoia's Business/Information Technology program consists of core business and technology courses designed to prepare students for exciting careers in business and information technology. These courses are available to all students and may be combined so that the program matches students' interests and goals. Business/IT provides students with advanced training that can lead toward industry recognized certification. The program also provides students with marketable skills that can be applied immediately in the high tech workforce or built upon through higher education. If you have any questions about our curriculum or department, please contact the department chair, Victoria Mitchell, at

Tecnología de Negocios/Información
El programa de Tecnología de Información/Negocios de Sequoia consiste cursos de tecnología y actividades básicas diseñadas para preparar a los estudiantes para carreras emocionantes en los negocios y tecnología de información. Estos cursos están a disposición de todos los estudiantes y pueden ser combinados de manera que el programa coincida con los intereses y objetivos de los estudiantes. Negocios/IT proporciona a los estudiantes una formación avanzada que puede conducir a una certificación reconocida por la industria. El programa también proporciona a los estudiantes habilidades comercializables que pueden ser aplicadas inmediatamente en el campo laboral de alta tecnología o ser continuadas mediante educación superior. Si usted tiene alguna pregunta acerca de nuestro departamento o plan de estudios, por favor, comuníquese con la supervisora del departamento, Victoria Mitchell,

Contact the members of the CTE Department

Contact_the_members_of_the_CTE_Department icon
Contact the members of the CTE Department

bramezane@seq.orgTo contact a staff member in the CTE  Department teaching Business or Computer Programming, choose one of the following options:

  • Click on the email link below to send an electronic message or
  • Call the school by dialing 650.369.9780 and the extension listed next to the name.
Ext. 69259
JAVA Programming
Ext. 69231
Google Docs Accounts

Google_Docs_Accounts iconGoogle Docs Accountstitle

Every student at Sequoia High School now has a student Google Apps account that includes the following features:

1. Access to Google Apps for creating text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, forms and drawings.
2. A Google drive to store all of your files on-line
3. A Gmail account with the URL

To access your Google account go to to login but you will need to know your username and password. Here is the information you need about both of these items. If you have trouble accessing your account please check with your teacher for help.

Username: first initial + last name + 2 digit grad year


First Name Last Name Grad Year Email

Jessica Avilar 2014

Juan Perez Soto 2018

Note: If there are two or more students who would have identical usernames, then an additional number is added. Your teacher can look up your username under your contact info in IC.

Examples of Duplicate Usernames

First Name Last Name Grad Year Email

Jessica Avilar 2014

Jose Avilar 2014

Juan Avilar 2014

Password: seq + (IC password)


First Name Last Name IC password Google Apps Account/Email Password

Jane Smith 12345 seq12345

John Smith abcde seqabcde

If you are not sure what your IC (Infinite Campus) password is please check with the counseling office, they can look up your password for you.