This Is What You Must Do BEFORE Setting up Meeting to Submit College Board Accommodation Request
(If the student has a IEP, the request is submitted by the case manager)
First, read and understand the process on the
College Board Submitting a Request webpage. Since this is an outside agency, it is the family’s responsibility to read, understand and gather all required documentation.
Minimum requirement for all accommodation requests through Sequoia:
After you understand the process, have gathered all the documentation you want to submit, complete the following forms (cut and pasted from the actual submission site)
In one email, submit all required documents (every situation is different) along with some possible times we can meet to submit your College Board Accommodation Request to Ms. Ignaitis
This process needs to be completed well before the College Board deadline.
From College Board Services for Students with Disabilities.
Yes, you can direct families to the website if they want to submit on their own.