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Sequoia Leadership Team (SLT)

Purpose and Responsibilities

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The SLT will serve as a representative decision-making body to address the core-impact issues of teaching and learning and the restructuring of the learning environment and processes needed to achieve the school community's goals. Decisions will take into account input from all constituent stakeholders.

Responsibilities of the SLT

The SLT will be responsible for:

  • Gathering information and ideas from all stakeholders through constituency representation.
  • Overseeing critical study of long and short-term issues vital to the improvement of teaching and learning.
  • Establishing priorities, setting goals, and making decisions based on input from all stakeholders.
  • Determining implementation procedures and responsibilities from these school-wide improvements.
  • Monitoring progress of improvement implementation plans.
  • Evaluating the success of these improvements through critical study and data analysis.
  • Supporting the decisions of the group.
SLT/SSC Website (agendas and meeting minutes found here)
Contact Us

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If you have a concern or issue regarding teaching and learning that you would like SLT to consider, please contact us below.

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