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Google Doc Accounts for Students

GOOGLE ACCOUNTS, School Loop, and infinite campus The district uses single sign on technology for their Google Apps for Education accounts, School Loop accounts, and Infinite Campus accounts. To access all three systems, go to and use the quicklinks options at the bottom of the page.

Here are the functions for each account:

1) Google Apps for Education provides students with an email account, calendar, and Google Drive to create, store, share and submit work.

2) School Loop is our online portal where students can check assignments, grades, and attendance, as well as submit work and participate in online discussions and other curricular activities

3) Infinite Campus is a portal where students can view their schedules, transcripts, and other information such as fines.

For each account, your student ID is your user name.

The default password is your first initial, last initial followed by your six-digit birthdate. (John Smith, born March 27 1998 would have a password of js032798.) However, we strongly urge students to change passwords IMMEDIATELY by going to If you have trouble accessing any of your accounts, please check with your guidance advisor for assistance.

Every student at Sequoia High School now has a student Google Apps account that includes the following features:

1. Access to Google Apps for creating text documents, spreadsheets, presentations, forms and drawings.

2. A Google drive to store all of your files on-line

3. A Gmail account with the URL

To access your Google account you will need a username and password. Here is the information you need about both of these items. If you have trouble accessing your account please check your class schedule handout or check with your teacher for help.

Username: your student ID

Password: lower case initials + six-digit birthdate (jl081514)

We recommend changing this password to something more secure upon initial log-in.

To login to this account go to the district web site, and click on the Google Apps Access button in the upper right corner of the page.

For School Loop go to and select Sequoia on the left list of schools. Username and password are the same as listed above.